Catat, Bulan Depan Parade Tifa 14 Kampung di Festival Teluk Humboldt Jayapura
Jayapura - Festival Humboldt akan dilaksanakan di Pantai Hamadi, Teluk Humboldt pada 5-7 Agustus 2018, mendatang. Pelaksanaannya tahun ini merupakan yang ke-10 sejak dilaksanakan pada 2008.
Informasi yang diperoleh, harmoni budaya akan ditampilkan dalam Festival Teluk Humboldt itu. Festival yang kerap menampilkan pesta budaya, tarian dan kuliner khas Kota Jayapura akan ditampilkan berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya.
Dinas Pariwisata setempat bakal menampilkan seni budaya dari 14 kampung di Kota Jayapura, sebagai ajang promosi wisata yang ada di Kota Jayapura.
"Beat of Cultureatau harmoni budaya menjadi tema untuk membangun Kota Jayapura, sesuai dengan motto Kota Jayapura, Hen Tecahi Yo Onomi T’mar Ni Hanased yang artinya satu hati membangun Kota untuk Kemulian Tuhan," kata Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kota Jayapura, Mathias Benohi Mano, disela-sela peluncuran Festival Teluk Humboldt di Kota Jayapura.
Walikota Jayapura, Benhur Tomi Mano menyebutkan, Festival Teluk Humboldt merupakan agenda tetap setiap tahun dari pemerintah Kota Jayapura. Festival budaya ini pun telah masuk kalender nasional Kementerian Pariwisata.
"Tahun ini, 14 kampung akan menampilkan berbagai macam tarian tradisional khasnya, termasuk kuliner dan kerajinan tangan dari masing-masing kampung. Pada pembukaan akan ada Parade Tifa masyarakat dari 14 kampung," kata Benhur, saat peluncuran Festival Humboldt di pusat perbelanjaan Jayapura.
Walikota Jayapura berharap festival budaya ini bisa menjadi ajang promosi wisata Kota Jayapura. Sehingga akan ada buku saku yang diterbitkan Dinas Pariwisata, tentang destinasi wisata di Kota Jayapura.
Informasi yang diperoleh, harmoni budaya akan ditampilkan dalam Festival Teluk Humboldt itu. Festival yang kerap menampilkan pesta budaya, tarian dan kuliner khas Kota Jayapura akan ditampilkan berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya.
Dinas Pariwisata setempat bakal menampilkan seni budaya dari 14 kampung di Kota Jayapura, sebagai ajang promosi wisata yang ada di Kota Jayapura.
"Beat of Cultureatau harmoni budaya menjadi tema untuk membangun Kota Jayapura, sesuai dengan motto Kota Jayapura, Hen Tecahi Yo Onomi T’mar Ni Hanased yang artinya satu hati membangun Kota untuk Kemulian Tuhan," kata Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kota Jayapura, Mathias Benohi Mano, disela-sela peluncuran Festival Teluk Humboldt di Kota Jayapura.
Walikota Jayapura, Benhur Tomi Mano menyebutkan, Festival Teluk Humboldt merupakan agenda tetap setiap tahun dari pemerintah Kota Jayapura. Festival budaya ini pun telah masuk kalender nasional Kementerian Pariwisata.
"Tahun ini, 14 kampung akan menampilkan berbagai macam tarian tradisional khasnya, termasuk kuliner dan kerajinan tangan dari masing-masing kampung. Pada pembukaan akan ada Parade Tifa masyarakat dari 14 kampung," kata Benhur, saat peluncuran Festival Humboldt di pusat perbelanjaan Jayapura.
Walikota Jayapura berharap festival budaya ini bisa menjadi ajang promosi wisata Kota Jayapura. Sehingga akan ada buku saku yang diterbitkan Dinas Pariwisata, tentang destinasi wisata di Kota Jayapura.
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Note, Next Month the Tifa 14 Parade Village in the Jayapura Humboldt Bay Festival
Jayapura - The Humboldt Festival will be held on Hamadi Beach, Humboldt Bay on August 5-7, 2018, in the future. Its implementation this year is the 10th since it was implemented in 2008.
Information obtained by, cultural harmony will be displayed in the Humboldt Bay Festival. The festival which often displays cultural, dance and culinary parties typical of Jayapura City will be displayed differently from the previous year.
The local Tourism Office will display cultural arts from 14 villages in the city of Jayapura, as a tourism promotion event in the city of Jayapura.
"Beat of Culture or cultural harmony became the theme for building Jayapura City, in accordance with Jayapura City's motto, Hen Tecahi Yo Onomi T'mar Ni Hanased which means one heart to build a City for the Glory of God," said Head of Jayapura City Tourism Office, Mathias Benohi Mano, on the sidelines of the launch of the Humboldt Bay Festival in Jayapura City.
The Mayor of Jayapura, Benhur Tomi Mano said that the Humboldt Bay Festival is a permanent agenda every year from the Jayapura City government. This cultural festival has also entered the Ministry of Tourism's national calendar.
"This year, 14 villages will display a variety of their typical traditional dances, including culinary and handicrafts from each village. At the opening there will be a community Tifa Parade from 14 villages," Benhur said, during the launch of the Humboldt Festival in the Jayapura shopping center.
The Mayor of Jayapura hopes that this cultural festival can become a tourism promotion site for the City of Jayapura. So that there will be a pocket book published by the Tourism Office, about tourist destinations in Jayapura City.
Information obtained by, cultural harmony will be displayed in the Humboldt Bay Festival. The festival which often displays cultural, dance and culinary parties typical of Jayapura City will be displayed differently from the previous year.
The local Tourism Office will display cultural arts from 14 villages in the city of Jayapura, as a tourism promotion event in the city of Jayapura.
"Beat of Culture or cultural harmony became the theme for building Jayapura City, in accordance with Jayapura City's motto, Hen Tecahi Yo Onomi T'mar Ni Hanased which means one heart to build a City for the Glory of God," said Head of Jayapura City Tourism Office, Mathias Benohi Mano, on the sidelines of the launch of the Humboldt Bay Festival in Jayapura City.
The Mayor of Jayapura, Benhur Tomi Mano said that the Humboldt Bay Festival is a permanent agenda every year from the Jayapura City government. This cultural festival has also entered the Ministry of Tourism's national calendar.
"This year, 14 villages will display a variety of their typical traditional dances, including culinary and handicrafts from each village. At the opening there will be a community Tifa Parade from 14 villages," Benhur said, during the launch of the Humboldt Festival in the Jayapura shopping center.
The Mayor of Jayapura hopes that this cultural festival can become a tourism promotion site for the City of Jayapura. So that there will be a pocket book published by the Tourism Office, about tourist destinations in Jayapura City.
Own translation
Take note, a parade of tifas from 14 villages next month in Jayapura Humboldt Bay Festival
Jayapura – Humboldt Festival will be held at Hamadi Beach, Humboldt Bay from the following 5th-7th August 2018. This year’s event is the 10th event since 2008.
An information has had, the beat of culture will be shown in Humboldt Bay Festival. The festival which often shows a party of culture, dances, and cuisines of Jayapura City will be presented differently from last year.
The Department of Tourism will present arts and culture from 14 villages in Jayapura City, as a tool of promoting tourism in Jayapura.
“Beat of Culture is the theme to build Jayapura, same as the motto of the city, Hen Tecahi Yo Onomi T’mar Ni Hanased, which means one heart to build the city for the glory of God,’ said the Head of Jayapura’s Department of Tourism, Mathias Benohi Mano, in the middle of the launching event of Humboldt Bay Festival in Jayapura.
The Mayor of Jayapura, Benhur Tomi Mano, says that Humboldt Bay Festival is a yearly agenda by Jayapura City’s Government. This cultural festival has been marked in the national calendar of the Tourism Department.
“This year, 14 villages will show their various traditional dances, including the cuisines and handicrafts from each village. At the opening ceremony there will be a Tifa Parade from the 14 villages’ people,” told Benhur, at the Humboldt Bay Festival’s launch at a shopping centre in Jayapura.
The Mayor of Jayapura hopes this cultural festival can be an event to promote the tourism of Jayapura City. So there will be a pocketbook that is published by the Department of Tourism, about touristic destinations in Jayapura.
An information has had, the beat of culture will be shown in Humboldt Bay Festival. The festival which often shows a party of culture, dances, and cuisines of Jayapura City will be presented differently from last year.
The Department of Tourism will present arts and culture from 14 villages in Jayapura City, as a tool of promoting tourism in Jayapura.
“Beat of Culture is the theme to build Jayapura, same as the motto of the city, Hen Tecahi Yo Onomi T’mar Ni Hanased, which means one heart to build the city for the glory of God,’ said the Head of Jayapura’s Department of Tourism, Mathias Benohi Mano, in the middle of the launching event of Humboldt Bay Festival in Jayapura.
The Mayor of Jayapura, Benhur Tomi Mano, says that Humboldt Bay Festival is a yearly agenda by Jayapura City’s Government. This cultural festival has been marked in the national calendar of the Tourism Department.
“This year, 14 villages will show their various traditional dances, including the cuisines and handicrafts from each village. At the opening ceremony there will be a Tifa Parade from the 14 villages’ people,” told Benhur, at the Humboldt Bay Festival’s launch at a shopping centre in Jayapura.
The Mayor of Jayapura hopes this cultural festival can be an event to promote the tourism of Jayapura City. So there will be a pocketbook that is published by the Department of Tourism, about touristic destinations in Jayapura.